
Our centre counts with two lines of Pre-School Education for children from 3 to 6 years of age.

It is an essential phase in the process of cognitive and personal development, for which reason in this stage we put the stress on Emotional Education.

Our students enjoy a globalised sort of learning, based on interest centres and through different parts of the classroom. We have an exquisite respect towards differences, towards children’s maturity levels and towards their academic and personal curiosities and needs.

One of the priorities of our Pre-School Education project is autonomy. Our objective is that  the kids come happily to school and develop abilities, attitudes, skills and values in an environment of safety and confidence.

Our educative team understands that children learn when they feel loved, and setting this affection as a basis we manage to make them get involved in their learning with high levels of stimulation.


It are among the most worked upon from the very first moments. Language helps to structure thinking; for this reason, bilingual communication is essential from early ages, which helps children interiorise English at the same time as their mother tongue in a logical and natural way.

Come and meet us and discover a new concept of education


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