One of the pillars of our school is artistic education, that allows to empower the critical and creative capacity of students. This happens in a real context where students have enough capacity to analyze and interpret the environment that surrounds …
In Juan de Lanuza we always aim to encourage the development of creativity, and this is increased in special situations such as the one that we are living now. From the Physical Education Area, Jorge Molina will use gamification in …
“There is always something we can do… after all” is the title of the formative session that Eduardo Jáuregui gave to all Juan de Lanuza staff, to help us start the school year with positive energy. Eduardo is an excellent …
Pupils from all educational stages have joined the first week in the “New Normality”. The week is happening without any problems and we have resumed face to face classes, something that we were really looking forward to. All teachers and …
We are getting used to see how all our pupils pass the Evau succesfully, and that is wonderful news! This year, as it has been happening for the last few years, they have done it again, and we couldn´t be …
Cámara de Comercio has taken an interest to know how Juan de Lanuza has been working throughout the confinement period. In the video description that can be found in it´s YouTube channel, it’s underlined that “Juan de Lanuza” is a …
We continue providing from home the best possible learning tools for our pupils, so that they will keep maintaining a significant evolution in their language. The online classes allow the constant interaction between teachers and pupils. In a situation like …
The multilingual character of Juan de Lanuza continues far despite the quarantine. As well has their daily English lessons online, by , pupils from 5th Primary, always coached by their teacher Amanda, are carrying out a Virtual Exchange with pupils …
On these days of confinement it is especially important that we all take care of our physical and mental health. We have been very lucky to count on our colleagues, Jorge Molina and Paco Royo, who are keeping us …
El Periódico de Aragon writes today, 26th of March 2020, an article about our Catedra in Innovation in the supplement devoted to the University of Zaragoza. This chair was created in 2012, and is based on the principles of formation, …