About 8 years ago, we started a project in our school for the inclusion of computational thinking and educational robotics, something totally ground-breaking and innovative at that time. Computational thinking has to do with cognitive skills such as problem solving, abstraction, decomposition or evaluation for example. That in particular has always been our school’s interest: to foster thinking skills, while also shaping students as creators and not just as consumers of new technologies.
With all this background, teachers from our school, together with representatives from the Faculty of Education and Etopia, introduce what will be the first edition of ICCTE 2021 (International Conference on Computational Thinking in Education), to be held on 17 and 18 September. An event where the main objective is to provide rigor, experiences and academic research on computational thinking and its derivatives such as robotics or artificial intelligence among others. During these days, the best specialists in the area of research on computational thinking in our country will participate in round tables on the importance of including computational thinking in the curriculum, different ways to do it and how they have measured the impact of their educational interventions. We will also have the chance to listen to the experience of Miles Berry from the United Kingdom, a pioneering country in this area. The business vision will also have its space with the presence of Microsoft, Facebook and some of the largest technology companies in Spain.
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