How do we look after ourselves during the Pandemic?
Juan de Lanuza is a socially responsible business that cares for and is concerned about the wellbeing of its workers. To that end, we carry out different actions on a daily basis to contribute to the physical and emotional wellbeing of all the staff.
On the one hand, the center´s sustainable dining room has been offering fruit daily for more than twenty years, contributing to a proper diet and the sustainability of our land, as we consume local produce.
On the other, weekly Mindfulness classes, to relieve tension and create awareness of our bodys and minds. Stretches are included too, to achieve greater flexibility. This course, taking up the thread that began in 2014, began with “early bird” sessions at 7:30 with Sonia Úbeda and will continue with the Juan de Lanuza Chair of Educational Innovation with evening sessions at 6:00 pm. This is a small contribution to maintaining mental and emotional balance in the Juan de Lanuza family.
In this very peculiar course and after the confinement caused by the health alert we are experiencing, the teachers were exposed to many hours of screen time (topics to prepare, classes to give, online assessment sessions, tutorials with families etc), which led to accelerated eye strain. With the disinterested collaboration of Dr. Victoria Pueyo, an ophthalmologist from the Miguel Servet Hospital in Zaragoza who was awarded the Hermegildo Arruga Prize in 2014 for the best scientific career of an ophthalmologist under the age of 40, we prepared some guidelines for “post-COVID” teaching for eye care.
Another way of taking care of ourselves is sport, we are regular participants in the Business Race organised by the ESIC business school, with the aim of encouraging the practice of sport, creating team spirit and participating in a sports event for employees and partners. In this sense, the Juan de Lanuza School, together with its health and wellbeing group, encourages the practice of sport in the open air by going on small outings in the afternoon, after school, around the fields of Miralbueno.