We already knew in June that our Baccalaureate students had achieved excellent results in the EVAU (Aragón University Access Exam), but now we have the data for the entire Aragón region to confirm it.
A 100% pass rate, with an average score of 8.618 and a standard deviation of 0.21 with the entry grade requirement, is a testament to the excellent preparation of our students and the rigor of our teachers. However, our students don’t settle for the mandatory phase, where they can score up to 10 points; many of them also take several optional exams, with the possibility of reaching a maximum of 14 points. Forty-eight percent have achieved 12 or more points, and 23% have surpassed 13 points, placing the school in the third position in EVAU results across the entire Aragón region.
Congratulations to all the students, teachers, families, and the educational community for this outstanding achievement!