We continue providing from home the best possible learning tools for our pupils, so that they will keep maintaining a significant evolution in their language.
The online classes allow the constant interaction between teachers and pupils. In a situation like the one we are experiencing now, we have a clear advantage with respect to other Schools that have had to put their knowledge to the test in what to TICs refers to.
We can say that at Juan de Lanuza, all pupils and teachers have learned more, as we already had a solid basis from years ago, as we adapted to home school quite naturally.
We are working hard, through different tools and resources, in a collaborative way, always helping each other. Thanks to this, we can ask pupils to hand in their homework, projects…and we offer them constant feedback from them. We have managed to keep students’ motivation alive, trying to carry on with the academic year as normally as possible, in this time of global uncertainty.
The essence of our school can be now found at your homes.