VIII Asamblea Extraordinaria de Aragón del Modelo Parlamento Europeo
What an incredible experience for our 4th-year ESO students at the VIII Extraordinary Assembly of Aragon of the Model European Parliament! Over 200 students from 17 schools gathered to debate on artificial intelligence and mental health, exploring key issues impacting our society.
We are proud of María Grilló, Laura Rivera, Vega Simón, Hugo Gonzalo, and Pelayo Sáez who actively participated in this event, bringing their ideas and perspectives to the debate. Their commitment and passion for learning are truly inspiring.
And that’s not all! Our students are eager for more and are already looking forward to participating in the official MEP next year when they enter Bachillerato. Undoubtedly, this experience has opened new doors for them and has shown them the power they have to make their voices heard and contribute to change in our society.
We thank the University of San Jorge for the excellent organization of this enriching event and for providing our students with the opportunity to learn and grow as committed citizens.