
Emotional Education

Emotional Education as a systematic and structured process aims to respond to a range of society’s needs which are traditionally left to chance. It involves acting with intent to teach about emotions as one  other aspect of the educational process.

The main aim of our school is the comprehensive development of our students. For this reason, one of the fundamental lines of work at Juan de Lanuza School is based on teaching about emotions as a framework for personal growth.

As Rafael Bisquerra affirms, “the purpose of emotional education is the development of emotional capabilities which contribute to dealing better with the challenges of life and, consequently, provide better personal and social well being”.

Furthermore, as a school we are always looking for quality training for our educational professionals – training which makes an impact on the constant improvement of the educational process for our students, through our own didactic method based on different perspectives and models. For this reason, continuous professional development has become one of the core ideas of Juan de Lanuza’s Cátedra.

Within our line of Emotional Education we aim for our students to reach the following goals:

  • Acquire well-adjusted emotional awareness which allows them to gain a better understanding of their own emotions and also allows them to identify the emotions of others.
  • Develop adequate emotional regulation through the interiorization of skills for self control.
  • Encourage socially balanced personalities in citizens who manage their emotions and understand other people’s feelings.
  • Develop positive self esteem which favours personal well-being
  • Be capable of identifying the differences between facts, thoughts, emotions and feelings with the aim of achieving more objective attitudes in the face of everyday situations.
  • Develop social skills that enable the communication of emotions, sharing opinions and showing different points of view in a climate of mutual respect.
  • Adopt a positive attitude towards life.
  • Develop assertiveness as a fundamental value in communication, allowing students to defend their rights without manipulation and with a respectful attitude towards others.

In this way, we help and guide our students to develop their emotional capabilities, internalising and generalising their learning and bringing these skills to their daily lives, inside and outside their educational environment.

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