Celebrations in relation to the environment and health
For the third consecutive year, the third week of November, we participated in two campaigns related to the environment and health.
On the one hand, the III “EAT QUALITY VEGETABLES OF THE COUNTRY” CAMPAIGN arrived. As you can see in the menu, Combi will serve legume twice this week. You can find more information about this campaign at http://mensacivica.com/iii-campana-come-legumbres-de-calidad-del-pais-son-sanas-y-sostenibles/ and in the attached pdf.
On the other hand, since Saturday 17th the European Week of Waste Reduction (EWWR2018) has been celebrated throughout Europe. We participated for the first time in 2016 and since then have added twenty more schools in Aragon and many organizations and companies (http://www.aragon.es/DepartamentosOrganismosPublicos/Departamentos/DesarrolloRuralSostenibilidad/NP/ci.SEMANA_EUROPEA_PREVENCION_2018_ACTIVIDADES_CENTROS_EDUCATIVOS.detalleDepartamento) . You can find more information and materials in HERE, and throughout the week on the GreeningJdL website!