Our condition of founder company of the RSA+ Plan, and the fact of being founding partners of the Mensa Civica, entity adhered from its beginning to the ZAREX project, Signatory Partner of the Global Compact, and founding partner of CVOL, among other public commitments and recognitions, guarantee our vocation for social action and social improvement.
In Juan de Lanuza we participate in various actions of a social nature: we collaborate with Fundación SEUR in the project “Tapones para una nueva vida”, campaigns to collect food and clothing, campaigns and actions against food waste. In addition, a few years ago we created the project “SOY MÁS”, for the students of 4th ESO and Bachillerato, where they do their first volunteer work mainly offering support to school children and elderly people.
But one of our most precious programs, to which we dedicate more care, effort and resources, is the New Venture Today (NVT) entrepreneurship practices that are taught entirely in English. Through these internships, the students design and implement social entrepreneurship projects working with external agents so that the improvement and added value has an impact on the Aragonese society.